Wir gratulieren Dipl.-Päd. Markus Ziegelwanger zum Master Qualified European Photographer

Verfasst am 15. Juni 2023 in

The Federation of European Professional Photographers awarded 21 new Qualified European Photographer and 8 new Master titles.

The Federation of European Photographers, the Europe wide qualifying body for Professional Photographers, continued its qualification program with a 43rd qualifying session, this time organised in Antwerp, Belgium during the second weekend of June.

The Qualified European Photographer (QEP) qualification recognises and rewards excellence in European Professional Photographers whilst, the Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP) Certificate is awarded to photographers who have demonstrated an outstanding command of their craft.

So many photographers around Europe were interested in obtaining these qualifications, that submissions had to be closed early for the first time ever, with 35 QEP and 18 Master QEP applications respectively. At the end of the 43rd judging session, 21 photographers from 12 different countries received their QEP titles and 8 photographers from  6 countries their Master QEP titles (name list below).

The judges felt that the overall standard seems to be increasing every year, which is nice to see considering the difficult times we’ve experienced lately throughout Europe. Professional photography is still thriving.

Master Qualified European Photographers

Vanessa Forget, France, MQEP

John Hellström, Sweden, MQEP

Philipp Jakesch, Austria, MQEP

Jacky Lecanu, France, MQEP

Karel Mus, Belgium, MQEP

Barrie Spence, UK, MQEP

Ina Vrinssen, The Netherlands, MQEP

Markus Ziegelwanger, Austria, MQEP

Stelleninserat Berufsfotograf_in

Verfasst am 2. Juni 2021 in

Stellenausschreibung Fotolaborant*in und Verkäufer*in

Verfasst am 18. Mai 2021 in

Fotolaborant*in und Verkäufer*in  /  Vollzeit 38,5 Std.

Für unsere beiden Filialen in Baden und Mödling suchen wir Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für das Fotolabor.
Du interessierst dich für Fotoausarbeitung, hast ein Auge für Farben und suchst einen abwechslungsreichen Arbeitsplatz in einem familiengeführten Unternehmen?
Du bist engagiert und hast Lust in einem kleinen Team mit flachen Hierarchien eigenständig zu arbeiten? Dann freuen wir uns dich kennenzulernen.

Deine Aufgaben

Dein Profil

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Du fühlst sich angesprochen? Dann schicke deinen aussagekräftigen Lebenslauf und dein Motivationsschreiben an:

Frau Guttmann oder Frau Schuld, baden@foto-schneider.at
Falls du Fragen hast, ist Frau Guttmann oder Frau Schuld unter  +43 2252/44166 für dich da.

Eintrittstermin: sofort
Entgelt: 1.700€ Brutto/Monat im ersten Berufsjahr mit Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung.

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